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"The Journey" Poem

" The Journey" by Lisa Taylor

She walks through the twighlight,

Wondering if this path is right?

The top of the mountain is plain in sight.

How will I get there on this night?

She slowly approaches the bottom of the hill, passing snakes and creatures that give her a chill.

There she stands, Athame in hand,

Looking behind her at all the land.

I have come this far, through fear and trial,

Yet I still stand!

The time has come to make her choice,

She must stand tall in the witches voice!

Her study is done, we must become one.

At the bottom of the mountain, strong and tall,

She has decided once and for all.

Tonight I cleanse and consecrate all,

Knowing the Goddess will hear my call!

Brigid, Diana, Aradia and All!

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