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Quassia Wood Chips

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Price: $1.50
Category: Herbs, Botanicals & Minerals
Quassia alba

Used in rootwork as a substitute for hair in love-drawing work.

Quassia comes from a tree native to the New World, and has been used for centuries to fight intestinal parasites, ease digestion, reduce fever, and cleanse the bowels. Quassia is also said to lessen one's taste for alcohol. Quassia was used by native peoples to rid their children of lice.

Quassia, also called Bitter Wood, Bitter Ash, and Bitter Bark, comes from a tree that is native to Northern Brazil, the West Indies, and Jamaica. The Jamaican variety can grow up to a hundred feet in height and has often been used in the lumber trade. The wood of the Quassia is odorless, but has a very bitter taste. The resin of the Quassia, called "quassin", is a natural insecticide, making the Quassia tree virtually impervious to insects. It was for this reason that the native peoples used Quassia to rid their children of lice and also as a treatment for intestinal parasites. Quassia was also used by the indigenous tribes to treat dysentery, snakebite, venereal disease, and malaria. Quassia is now used primarily as a bitter tonic to aid in digestion and has been used in combination with Meadowsweet, marshmallow root, and Hops in the treatment of dyspepsia. Quassia has also been used in combination with Ginger to improve stomach function and with Mandrake Root to cleanse the bowels. It is also an appetite stimulant, and has been used by some to treat anorexia. Quassia is sometimes used to treat sinus infections and to lower fevers. Quassia has also been said to reduce ones taste for alcohol

Directions : put a few chips into a glass of cold water and leave overnight, drink water in the morning.

Herb is cut & sifted. Price is per ounce.

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