For more than a century MURRAY & LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER has been famous throughout the world - not for one purpose alone, but for a score of everyday needs. Moderately priced itself, MURRAY & LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER saves you the cost of many more expensive preparations. Read the suggestions below...and note how useful and economical MURRAY & LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER can be.
Added to the Bath or wash-basin, Murray & Lanman's Florida Water is delightfully refreshing and leaves the skin delicately fragrant.
After the Shower it provides an exhilarating rubdown, giving a delightful glow to the skin, toning muscles and nerves.
As an Astringent and Skin Lotion, Murray & Lanman's Florida Water acts with pleasing effect. It contracts the pores, tones-up the skin, leaving it with a feeling of freshness.
As a Personal Deodorant, Murray & Lanman's Florida Water is indispensable to the fastidious woman. Its faint and elusive, yet delightful scent, makes it invaluable for this purpose.
As a Sickroom Deodorant, a few drops sprinkled around the room perfumes the air and overcomes sickroom odors.
As a Rubdown for the Sick, Murray & Lanman's Florida Water has a beneficial, stimulating effect. Many find it more pleasant and helpful than an alcohol rub.
Before Shaving, Murray & Lanman's Florida Water softens the toughest beard and prepares the skin for a smooth, luxurious shave.
After Shaving, it contracts the pores, Its mildly astringent action soothes and heals skin abrasions caused by shaving.
For Insect bites, an application of Murray & Lanman's Florida Water on the infected part usually proves helpful.
In Hot Weather, a feeling of agreeable coolness is quickly induced by applying Murray & Lanman's Florida Water to the brow. Use as directed in bath and after shave.
As a Perfume, there is no more delightful scent than Murray & Lanman's Florida Water. Unobtrusive and remindful of a flower-garden, it can be used in an atomizer, on the handkerchief, or on the person.
After Exercise, a rubdown with Murray & Lanman's Florida Water produces a warm tingling glow - delightful and invigorating - zestful to the muscles, restful to the nerves.
For Jangled Nerves, produced by exitement or shock, Murray & Lanman's Florida Water applied to the forehead and used as a rubdown, usually relieves nervous tension and relaxes the muscles.
To the Hair a sprinkling of Murray & Lanman's Florida Water gives an enchanting fragrance appropriate to the party or dance. It soothes itching scalp.
For Boudoir Daintiness, a few drops sprinkled in your lingerie drawer, handkerchief-box and clothes closets is lovely and lasting.
To Freshen Rooms that have been newly dusted, to overcome smoke-stuffiness, kitchen odors and the smell of new paint, sweeten the air with a sprinkling of Murray & Lanman's Florida Water.
Head Colds will be less annoying if a little Murray & Lanman's Florida Water is sprinkled on a handkerchief and the aroma frequently inhaled.
For Tired, Burning Feet, bathe in warm water to which Murray & Lanman's Florida Water has been added. The soothing, refreshing effect is most gratifying.
For Complexion Care, never fail to massage the skin with Murray & Lanman's Florida Water after removing make-up, especially before retiring.
-For the handkerchief, for the bath- No perfume equals in refreshing and enduring fragrance
-sprinkled on the linens, sprayed on the curtains and carpet it is a source of delight for anyone
To both it is most refreshing when used in the basin or the bath or for a rub down after golf or any outdoor sport
7.5 oz plastic bottle